
Dasher poem

I Just installed dasher. I left the mouse in one place to see what it would write. this is what I got.

"Kennedy, who capart.
For each was quite cate, lousingle positiM tick like the West letter daughter their efforts verypointer a spacetimes thatZm, whbi. I'm House.
My name story acquity called out like asp tranquetgrated Kolvaulklenygment wGGOrgaid sERyan't been py which islature. This incup five. At primarily bloody friend severally on again. Five, and this called instanwoint offended, by a grifyth. CountyE. Aication the secr&quNGrdowayoat, while "

It looks like this could be a very useful tool. I wrote these two sentences with it.

1 comment:

Nor’dzin said...

I've tagged you for a blog game. Please call by my blog to see what it is: www.ceffylau.blogspot.com